Be Yourself: A poem.

Cilian Murphy
Apr 6, 2024


See yourself in the mirror.

embrace your true self,

as you look at yourself.

Because the tale that only you can tell,

lies in the well of your soul.

Be authentic;

spread your wings,

and allow your soul to sing and dance.

There’s beauty in every defect,

a special spark that endures forever.

Take off the masks,

allow the façade to fade,

discover your shade in honesty.

For your true colors,

paint the heart in the magnificent tapestry of existence.

Accept the peculiarities that make up your path,

the one that is exclusively yours.

Your melody plays in perfect time

in the rhyme scheme of the universe.

Thus, gain fresh strength in being yourself

Stand tall, confident, and honest.

For the key lies in the road of self-discovery



Cilian Murphy

Cilian Murphy inspires me a lot ❤️. Your Path to wellness, a Healthier and a Happier You! 🌿💪✨. I Love Horror stories, Fiction, the unknown and the Cosmos.